God's Plan for Evil
The Means to a Good End
Tony Guard
Tony Guard
Why does Evil exist?
Why did God allow Satan in the garden of Eden with His sinless creation, and call it good?
Everyone has experienced, battled, and struggled with evil in one form or another, from the outside and from within. We see it all around us everyday. Does God Himself reveal the answers to the questions surrounding evil in the Bible? What would happen to your faith if you found the answers? What if you found out God had a plan to use it for good?
God’s Plan for Evil is a clear, definitive, and biblically sound guide to how the Bible answers these faith changing questions, and the transformation that awaits your faith when God's plan for evil is revealed. In his book, Tony shares his decade and a half long journey to find answers, and the overwhelming revelation that continues to flow from it. You will gain clarity to other questions and barriers like:
Why does evil exist?
What's the purpose of life?
If God created everything, didn’t He create evil?
Why do bad things happen to people?Is Jesus the only way to heaven?
Do we become angels?
And more...
Tony shares how God reveals His plan right in His word to use evil for good. The knowledge and understanding that God is at work to do good through the evil in your life, the world, and the lives of those around you, will change you forever.
©2024 Tony Guard (P)2024 Tony Guard