Good Love
Cheryl Robinson
Cheryl Robinson
Boone Sawyer and his wife, Sharon, have always been Sarita Saint’s best friends. When a dying Sharon asked her best friend to marry her husband, Sarita agreed, never intending to keep her promise. But even from the grave, Sharon is having her say.
Sweet, reliable, patient Boone wants Sarita by his side; he’s always loved her - through every bad relationship into which she seems to dive. Now, he wants to take her away from the painful memories in Detroit to a beautiful horse ranch in Texas.
But love and marriage? Sarita just isn’t interested. She sees it as the perfect escape from all the failed relationships that haunt her. Together, they can raise each other’s children in a positive environment on the ranch and take over his family’s business, both things that Boone inherited.
Good Love is set in the ’90s - before the rise of the Internet and social media and when people memorized their friends’ phone numbers. Sarita and Boone embark on a new life, leaving the security of well-paying jobs to grow a thriving business to call their own. But will it lead to love?
©2018 Cheryl Robinson (P)2018 Cheryl Robinson