Having Sex with Your Boyfriend: A Biblical Study of Fornication
The Devastating and Eternal Consequences of Sexual Sin and How to Be Delivered
Charlie Avila
Charlie Avila
This important audiobook is about the devastating and eternal consequences of sexual sin. Specifically, we look at the sin of fornication—sex between boyfriend and girlfriend. First, we define the exact meaning of “fornication”. It is a word that is not used very often these days, even among Christians. What does it mean? Where did the word originate? Why does the Greek New Testament use a word that means “to act like a prostitute”, “porneu" to define “fornication” or “sexual immorality?”
In this audiobook, we are going to carefully examine every main verse on “fornication” or “sexual immorality” in the New Testament. The Bible gives a lot of instruction against sexual sin and how to avoid it or repent of it. We start with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is the truth. Jesus said that fornication—sex between boyfriend and girlfriend—is evil, and it defiles people. He exposes the root of the sin and shows its damaging effect on anyone who engages in it.
No one spoke about sexual sin as much as the apostle Paul. He taught against it in Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and 1 Thessalonians. However, it is in 1 Corinthians that he lays down a powerful revelation of just how corrupting sexual sin can be for both Christians and non-Christians. Without hesitation, Paul says repeatedly that fornicators go to hell. No sexually immoral man or woman will ever inherit the kingdom of God or Christ.
Interestingly, the one book of the New Testament that says the most about sexual sin is the Book of Revelation. Several chapters are from this critical prophetic book. The most corrupting influence in world history has been the great prostitute of Revelation. She is both a city (Babylon) and a woman (the great whore). The kings of the Earth and all the inhabitants of the world fornicate with this woman who is “the mother of all harlots (fornicators) and abominations of the Earth”.
©2022 Charlie Avila (P)2022 Charlie Avila