He Chose the Glory
The Life and Legacy of Obed-Edom
Max Colina
Louis McCall
History and Prophecies of the Ark!
What was the purpose of the golden Ark of the Covenant? The Ark held immense significance as a religious artifact in ancient times. Have you ever pondered the fate of the Ark? Was it consistently revered, or did it eventually become a war trophy in the hands of those opposed to God?
• Could the decision of one man, Obed-Edom, to forsake everything for the glory of God alter not only his destiny but also that of his family and descendants for generations?
• Witness what unfolds when a person honors God.
• Observe the cascade of blessings that descend through generations for those who honor the Lord.
• What insights did King David gain from Obed-Edom that revolutionized the manner in which worship centered around the Ark was conducted?
• Explore the narrative behind the shift from honoring an object designed by God, the Ark of the Covenant, to the Son of God, who would descend from heaven to establish the new covenant not through animal sacrifices, but through His own blood.
• Discover how the prophets foretold the superior nature of the new thing God was about to do, surpassing even the Ark of the Covenant and the Temple, both of which served as precursors to this new era.
"He Chose the Glory" is replete with intricate details and contextualizes a tumultuous period leading to the transition to God’s new and superior reality. It is succinct enough to be absorbed in a single listen.