Henry Morgan
"Good evening, anybody...here's Morgan."
Henry Morgan was one of the most brilliant and unsung of the radio satirists. With his predilection for poking fun at radio conventions in general, and sponsors in particular, listeners took a shine to his breezy, don't-give-a-damn sarcasm.
For a half-hour every week, Henry was allowed to unleash his biting wit on anything and everything, often in the form of parodies of movies and radio programs. He was aided and abetted by a cast that included Charles Irving, Madeline Lee, Florence Halop, Joe Julian, and the one and only Arnold Stang.
EPISODES INCLUDE: First Show 09-02-46; Keeping Within a Budget 12-11-46; Reading Comics 12-18-46; Lawyers 03-19-47; Dedicated to America's Landlords 03-26-47; Dedicated to Schools 05-07-47; Visit to the Hat Emporium 05-14-47; Morgan's Around the World Listening Post 06-04-47; Professional Radio Contestants 07-02-47; Morgan Daily Gazette 10-29-47
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