Law of Attraction: Unleash the Law of Attraction to Get What You Want from the Universe
Habit of Success
Jeff Moon
Jonathan Green
Have you heard people talking about "The Secret" even though their lives never change? If the Law of Attraction works, where is my Ferrari?
Would you like to actually manifest the life you dream of? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Do you seem to miss opportunities without realizing it? Are you starting to wonder if you're guilty of self-sabatoge? Do you feel like you're missing a step in this process?
Fellow travelers on the journey of life - you need to listen to Law of Attraction as soon as possible. In this book, you'll learn the importance of combining right action with the right mindset to unlock the gifts of the universe. You cannot underestimate the power of right action.
Learn how to blast through every roadblock keeping you from the success you deserve. Break down the false belief that the universe is a magical vending machine delivering wishes to whoever pushes the magical button. Law of Attraction focuses on the tiny belief behind our actions that hold us back. Turn this mystical process into a series of implementable steps that you can start today. You don't need to become spiritual or unlock your third eye to start changing your destiny.
It doesn't matter if you hate yoga, have never been interested in spirituality, or have a vendetta against the universe. Get ready to change the course of your life.
Packed with techniques you can put to use today, this guide will teach you how to remove mental roadblocks, bring your entire mind into alignment with your goals, and turn your actions into your greatest asset.
What pragmatic and actionable skills will you learn?
- How to take control of your negative thoughts
- The simple technique to remove stress and live in the moment
- The secret to being happy every single day
- The foolproof method for strenghening your mind
- The most common mistake seven smart law of attraction practitioners make and how to avoid them
- The singular best way to turn visualization into actualization
Here's what this book isn't: This isn't about selling you a video course, staring into the window of a store, and imagining you own everything you want, or relying on the universe to do everything for you. This isn't about turning greed into a positive trait. Instead, this is about fixing the way you think about the world and unlocking the potential that already exists within you to manifest your desires.
Master the Law of Attraction, and take control of your destiny by scrolling up and downloading today!
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