Life Without Barriers
Mr John Stewart Rushton
Suppose life had no barriers, what would you do?
Unless you are in prison, then life has very few barriers in reality, so why aren't you forging ahead and just getting your show on the road for all to see?
Life also has many choices and options. Are you making the best of what is available or are you shying away because they don't suite your purpose or maybe require too much of a change that takes you out of your "comfort zone" which is probably the real reason.
In life we have "gatekeepers" those debased cretins that assume a power of understanding and knowledge yet often withold real talent because they are so ignorant and useless themselves.
There are always ways around "gatekeepers" and such people, those that have real desire find that way others accept the "no go" scenario and do nothing, so much for real barriers and so much for determination?
For those that need a "push" and a little more self confidence to go for it, this is an ideal dowload...
©2013 John S Rushton (P)2013 John S Rushton