Make More Money with Your Book: Part IV
Advertising, PR, and the Social Media
Chris Gilli
Make More Money with Your Book is about how to make more money from your book and the different programs you develop based on your book. Part four deals with advertising, PR, and social media. It covers these topics:
- Organizing your sales and marketing campaign
- Setting up your squeeze page for your ad or PR campaign
- Creating a Facebook ad and video campaign
- Creating videos for your campaign
- Building traffic
- Getting reviews from newspapers and magazines
- Getting reviews on Amazon
- Getting reviews from independent reviewers and bloggers
- What to say to a reviewer
- Using the traditional media for PR
- Creating and sending out your press release or letter
- Using the social media for PR
The book was written by an author, Gini Graham Scott, PhD, who has published over 50 books with major publishers and over 40 books through her own company Changemakers Publishing. She has gained extensive media interest for her books, including appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, Montel Williams, CNN, and hundreds of radio interviews.
©2015 Gini Graham SCott (P)2016 Gini Graham Scott