Mother Virion
The Teacher Prophet and the Portal
Carole Carpenter
Matthew Weilding
An Tzu
In March XXXX, toward the end of the Anthropocene, the Mother of all coronaviruses, SARS-Co-MV, aka Mother Virion, besieged the planet, causing another catastrophic pandemic. Did geopolitical rivalry between the US and China bring it about, or did environmental destruction allow an intermediary host to introduce Mother Virion to the general public?
Although no one knew the virus's exact origin, many thought it was intentionally released by either the US or China as a biowarfare tactic. As the pandemic raged on, no one had anticipated that those who survived the infection but still had lingering symptoms were prone to becoming viral-human mutants programmed to save the environment. These flying mutant activists, called Co-Viropters, were keen on keeping themselves alive and fighting for their rights en route to protecting Mother Nature.
As humans learned to co-evolve with the environmental conditions and the mutants they inevitably spawned during the Anthropocene, a psycho-cultural transformation occurred, and many would have to experience ego death as a result. Mother Virion explores the suffering and learning involved in this adaptation. It provides hope through the vision of renewal, humor, an exploration of time's secret structure, and what it means to be fully human.
©2021 An Tzu (P)2021 An Tzu