Critical Thinking in Digestible Doses
Theresa McCarthy
A popular question in philosophy is "How do I know I exist?" That seems really boring, though. How about, "How can I use logic to get over my ex?" If you really love wisdom, you love it in all situations - you don't need to be spoon fed unsolved problems in philosophy, because you're already analyzing the US Weekly you’re reading or your kinda significant other. Sarah Heuer and Chrissy Stockton are writers living in Minneapolis who are determined to do something more interesting with their philosophy degrees than talk about dead white guys. PhiLOLZophy: Critical Thinking in Digestible Doses helps its listeners think critically about vodka, religion, and sex - proving that brains do have more fun.
©2013 Sarah Heuer and Chrissy Stockton (P)2013 Audible, Inc.Audible制作部より
Most people shy away from philosophy, thinking of it as a discipline that can only be understood by the intelligentsia. Authors Stockton and Heuer elegantly dispute this prejudice. They argue that we all inevitably engage in critical thinking on a routine basis. They also explain classic philosophical methods and theories through the lens of daily, relatable human experience. These authors manage something miraculous: They render highly abstract ideas accessible in present life without diluting the original meaning. Narrator Theresa McCarthy’s grown-up tone matches the text. McCarthy sounds calm, dispassionate, wise, and wry. Her voice does what the authors hope: She encourages ordinary people to think of themselves as critical thinkers. This book confirms that critical thinking can aid those stumped by tricky circumstances.