Poems for Men
Do men need poems?
Is the gender of brawn and ‘can-do’ really a candidate for honeyed verse?
Obviously yes. Through the centuries men seem to dominate the writing of poetry. From books of epics to quatrains of love poetry it seemed to be a man’s world. His domain.
But take away the stirring deeds of adventure and much of what remains was written in the admiration or pursuit of women.
A volume purely for men, to show other facets of their personalities and characters seems to be an obvious choice. One verse fits all is, in fact, far removed from the truth.
Men needs words. They need support, understanding as well as goals, ambition and structure. They need purpose, desire; the need to love and be loved.
1 - Poems for Men - An Introduction
2 - If by Rudyard Kipling
3 - Invictus by William Ernest Henley
4 - A Man's A Man For A' That by Robert Burns
5 - A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
6 - For the Man Who Fails by Paul Laurence Dunbar
7 - The Life of Man by Sir Francis Bacon
8 - Is There Any Wise Man by Kabir
9 - I Saw a Man Pursuing The Horizon by Stephen Crane
10 - Till Man Destroy's Self by Rumi
11 - A Man Saw a Ball of Gold in the Sky by Stephen Crane
12 - An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope
13 - A Man Went Before A Strange God by Stephen Crane
14 - Wondrous Sight For Men by Ann Griffiths
15 - The Man to the Angel by George William Russell
16 - The Blind Ploughman by Radclyffe Hall
17 - A Man Toiled on a Burning Road by Stephen Crane
18 - Ay, Workman, Make Me a Dream by Stephen Crane
19 - To a Gentleman by Robert Burns
20 - St Patrick Was a Gentleman by Henry Bennett
21 - A Song - Men of England by Percy Bysshe Shelley
22 - The True Born Englishman (An Excerpt) by Daniel Defoe
23 - England to Free Men by John Galsworthy
24 - I Travell'd Among Unknown Men by William Wordsworth
25 - Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare
26 - Song. That Women Are But Men's Shadows by Ben Jonson
27 - My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
28 - Women's Tongue by Robert Tannahill
29 - You Men by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
30 - Rose of All the World by D. H. Lawrence
31 - Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare
32 - Men Are Heavens Piers by Robert Louis Stevenson
33 - She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron
34 - Destroyer of Ships, Men, Cities by James Elroy Flecker
35 - The Romance of the Knight by Thomas Chatterton
36 - The Merman by Alfred Lord Tennyson
37 - Mandalay by Rudyard Kipling
38 - The Flying Dutchman by Edwin Arlington Robinson
39 - The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
40 - John Marr and Other Sailors by Herman Melville
41 - The Old Man of the Sea by Oliver Wendell Holmes
42 - Sailing To Byzantium by W. B. Yeats
43 - Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats
44 - Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley
45 - The Youth of Man by Matthew Arnold
46 - A Man Young and Old - Summer and Spring by William Butler Yeats
47 - The Man Who Will Not Know Another by Patrick Branwell Bronte 48 - Of Any Old Man by Isaac Rosenberg
49 - Old Man by Edward Thomas 50 - When You Are Old by W. B. Yeats
51 - Wishes of an Elderly Man Wished at a Garden Party, June 1914 by Walter Alexander Raleigh 52 - The Parable of the Old Man & the Young by Wilfred Owen
53 - Men Who March Away by Thomas Hardy 54 - For the Men at the Front by John Oxenham
55 - Dead Man's Dump by Isaac Rosenberg 56 - Marching Men by Marjorie Pickthall 57 - I Tracked a Dead Man Down a Trench by Walter S. S. Lyon
58 - The Three Lads by Elizabeth Chandler Forman 59 - A Ballad of the Ranks by Arthur Conan Doyle
60 - Men of Verdun by Lawrence Binyon 61 - Soldier by Rupert Brooke
62 - Soldier From the Wars Returning by A. E. Housman 63 - I Saw a Man This Morning by Patrick Shaw Stewart
64 - Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson 65 - The Charge of The Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson
66 - Song of Marion's Men by William Cullen Bryant 67 - Dupont''s Round Fight (November 1861) by Herman Melville
68 - Dance of the Hanged Men by Arthur Rimbaud 69 - The Hunters of Men by John Greenleaf Whittier
70 - The Madman's Song by John Webster 71 - Mothers of Men by Edwin J. Ellis
72 - Portrait of My Father As a Young Man by Rainer Maria Rilke
73 - The Father by Katharine Tynan 74 - Come Up from the Fields Father by Walt Whitman
75 - A Valediction, Forbidding Mourning by John Donne 76 - The Sick Man and the Nightingale by Amy Levy
77 - Dead Men's Love by Rupert Brooke 78 - Oh Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman
79 - The Dead Man Walking by Thomas Hardy 80 - The Dying Man and the Vulture by Khalil Gibran
80 - Death Be Not Proud by John Donne
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