Profitable Website Under Construction - Step 2: Content Is King
A Proven Step-by-Step System for Building an Amazing Money Making Website That Generates Income for a Long Term
Robert Gazy
Larry Chak
In this section, you'll be taken through the basics of creating quality content. About 10 years ago, it was enough to have a mildly interesting site bloated with banner ads and links because of pay per click (PPC) advertising and spammy/blackhat SEO. Today, people are becoming more critical and vigilant of the sites they visit. It's easy to mislead people and trick them into visiting and viewing your blog, but as the cliché goes, you can fool people only once.
A lot of new Wordpress bloggers have a wrong mind-set when it comes to site content; they focus too much on either getting people to visit their site or getting people to click on advertisements. This section aims to show the power of content-centric sites and how to create quality content that gives you regular and loyal visitors. At the end of this section, you should be able to answer these questions confidently:
- Why are you writing?
- Who are you writing for?
- What do you want your audience to feel or think after they've read your content?
- How are you planning to deliver your content to your intended audience?
Without knowing the answer to these three questions, the writer is doomed to create low-quality blog articles that will drown in the sea of endless content on the Internet. With that in mind, we're going to talk about the how to create quality content and make sure that it reaches its intended audience. We're also going to explore the possibility of purchasing articles and multimedia content from other people in order to give your blog a jump-start in terms of content and design.
- Content: How to Create Good Content
- Section 2.1: Why you should create quality content
- Section 2.1.1: The importance of content strategy
- Section 2.1.2: Criteria for quality content
- Section 2.2: Six steps to writing your own content
- Section 2.3: Get more content for less money
- Section 2.4: Where to obtain quality paid content
- Section 2.4.1: Articles
- Section 2.4.2: Images, Banners