Sermon Starters for Student Ministry
25 Done-for-You Stories to Capture Their Attention and Kickoff Your Lesson
Trevor Hamaker
Trevor Hamaker
Engage your students with stories!
Here’s the truth: If you don’t get people engaged with your message at the start, they’ll be distracted as your message moves along. With these stories, you’ll have exactly what you need to master the art of the start!
These stories aren’t the “Everyone gather around while I tell you a story” kind of stories. And they aren’t the “Once upon a time” kind of stories either. These stories come from weird news, current events, and interesting moments in history. It’s so much fun when you connect them to the topics of your sermons!
I know these stories will capture your students’ attention because I’ve used every one of them in sermons with my students. Out of the hundreds of stories I’ve used, these are the very best ones!
And the best part? I’ve already done all the work for you. Each story is around 250 words (perfect to get your sermon started) and is written in a conversational style that will get your students interested and draw them into your message. Every. Single. Time.
How do you use these stories in sermons? It’s easy an easy four-step process...
• Step 1: Read the biblical passage that you’ll use for your sermon.
• Step 2: Identify the main feeling, emotion, or thought that stands out to you.
• Step 3: Listen to the stories in this book to see which one generates that same feeling, emotion, or thought for you.
• Step 4: Use that story at the beginning of your sermon.
If you’re ready to start capturing attention at the start of your sermons, the stories in this book will help you do it!
©2019 Trevor Hamaker (P)2019 Trevor Hamaker