Seven Principles of Spiritual Warfare
Douglas Krieger
Troy Dean Albano
When Jesus Christ walked upon this earth—all hell broke loose. Demons seemed to confront His every miracle and gospel storyline . . . from His Judean Wilderness temptation to the "bulls of Bashan" mocking and taunting Jesus nailed to the cross to come down! Yes, Jesus travailed and endured upon the cross, "So Great a Salvation"—then He deputized His Ekklesia to thwart the Gates of Hades and crush the Serpent (Satan) under their feet.
Yes, Troy Dean Albano is all about how you as a member of the Body of Christ can effectively fight the "powers of darkness" by waging war and evicting these illegal squatters from the earth by the power and authority God's granted you. That's right, you can participate in bringing God's Kingdom on earth as His "War Club" against these demons and the forces of evil. You won’t put this book down—you will fight the battle from victory to victory. This is the last book Satan wants you to find because its message and practice spell defeat for the foe! Praise the Lord for His victory on the cross!
This book will cover the Seven Principles of Spiritual Warfare. People always ask Troy, “How did you learn these principles?” My answer is through the direct result of on-the-job training, countless experiences, consistent prayer, walking by faith, and testing and proving each experience by God’s word.
The book will also present real-life stories and their relation to each principle for practical application. Each story’s names, characters, and places are changed to protect their privacy.
©2022 Troy Dean Albano (P)2024 Troy Dean Albano