Suspense: Wages of Sin
CBS Radio
Getting away with murder? Don't bet on it! Sometimes even the careful get caught. Sometimes revenge leads to regret. Sometimes we wade through dark thoughts and dark water, through evil and espionage to...suspense!
Radio's outstanding theater of thrills dishes up a dose of tension-packed drama in this collection of 20 engrossing episodes, featuring performances by Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Burt Lancaster, Red Skelton, Ginger Rogers, Charles Boyer, Joseph Cotten, and more!
Episodes include: Last Confession 09-15-49; Good Night, Mrs. Russell 10-20-49; Momentum 10-27-49; The Search for Isabell 11-03-49; The Long Wait 11-24-49; Mr. Diogenes 01-26-50; Six Feet Under 04-13-50; Angel Face 05-18-50; The Wages of Sin 10-19-50; The Lady in the Red Hat 11-30-50; Vamp Till Dead 01-11-51; Another Man's Poison 05-17-51; The Greatest Thief in the World 06-21-51; Steel River Prison Break 09-03-51; The Log of the Marne 10-22-51; Odd Man Out 02-11-52; Remember Me 04-07-52; Mate Bram 04-14-52; Man Alive 11-24-52; Carnival 01-28-52.
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