Terrahawks - Volume 03
In the year 2020, after Zelda—evil queen of the planet Guk—has destroyed NASA's Mars base and Earth is under threat. Zelda intends to use Mars as a stepping stone to conquer the Earth, and enslave the human race. The Terrahawks have been formed to defend the planet. From Hawknest, their secret base in South America, they prepare for the battles to come....
"Terrahawks, stay on this channel...."
3.1 - No Second Chances by Jamie Anderson
Zelda has pulled off the ultimate heist, and now her victory seems inevitable. To stop her, and against all the odds, at least one of the Terrahawks will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
3.2 - The Wrong Clone Number by Terry Adlam
Leaderless and desperate, the Terrahawks turn to pun-meister Twostein. After his victory against Cy Splitter, the comedy clone's arrogance could prove royally problematic for Earth’s defenders.
3.3 - Set Sail for Mis-Adventure by David Hirsch
Another mission - another clone. Sixstein is drafted in to service for an escort mission. Professor Otto Maddox’s new weapon is travelling via the Atlantic ocean, and Zelda is poised and ready to take piracy to new extremes.
3.4 - You Foe by David Hirsch
It’s the last chance for the Terrahawks to replace their lost leader. But it becomes a race against time as Zelda and her family try to take advantage of the final clone, Threestein’s, good nature.
3.5 - Living Legend by Chris Dale
It’s time for Threestein’s first major mission, and he’s in for a treat—meeting one of his idols. But soon his encounter with galactic explorer Elias Crick proves that you should never meet your heroes.
3.6 - The Prisoner of Zelda by Chris Dale
Threestein and Lois Price are kidnapped and taken to an unknown coastal location—where a bizarre village—The Community—becomes their prison. Where are they? Why are they here? Why are they all now addressed by letters rather than their names? And just who is the mysterious ‘Z’?
3.7 - Star Crossed by Mark Woollard
It’s a case of Cloneo and Juliet—and Threestein’s final chance to prove himself as a capable leader. But when it comes to matters of the heart can a Stein clone overcome his genetic shortcomings?
3.8 - Enemies, Negotiation and Deceit by Jamie Anderson
With both the androids and Terrahawks weary of the constant conflict and seemingly unending stalemate, a new approach is tabled. But will human (and android) nature allow the long-time enemies to settle their differences?
©2017 Big Finish Productions (P)2017 Big Finish Productions