The Client Retention Handbook for Digital Marketing Agencies
How to Keep Clients on Board Long-Term and Reduce Churn
Frank Di Piazza
Josh Nelson
The Client Retention Handbook For Digital Marketing Agencies is the ultimate must-have guide for anyone running (or starting) a digital agency. While there are hundreds of books focused on "getting" clients, nobody tells you the harsh reality: If you can’t keep clients, you don’t have a business.
And this is a big deal because a five percent increase in client retention can improve profits by between 25 percent and 95 percent.
So how do you get them to stay? Believe it or not, it’s not about results. Getting clients to stay with you longer boils down to three key elements referred to in the book as “the sticky triad”, and you have to get all your ducks in a row….
If you’re reading this now, chances are you’re frustrated because you haven’t quite figured out how to do that, and it’s one of the biggest factors that’s holding your agency back from getting out of the “cycle of stuck”, building your team, and enjoying the sort of lifestyle most people only dream of.
©2022 Josh Nelson - Seven Figure Agency (P)2022 Josh Nelson - Seven Figure Agency