The Fake Food Epidemic
Julian Pearson
Rachel Benning
Ultra-processed food is killing us!
It's as plain as that. The fake food epidemic rages on with greater intensity and seriousness than ever before, we are left to wonder about one thing. If we, as a society, have become so dependent on the myriads of artificial, manufactured foods invading our lives, is there any hope for us?
Fake food has become such an inextricable part of society today, that even minimally processed foods are not entirely free of fake elements. The truth of the matter is that food is simply grown and bred in a different manner on the industrial scale than it was in the past.
People will argue about what food is fake and what is truly natural in this world of genetically aided, artificially fertilized, and unnaturally grown and bred sources of food. To help us decide the fakeness of a food product, in this book we will use the food categorization system developed by Carlos Monteiro, a professor in Nutrition and Public Health at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
This book includes amazing charts and tables that took hours upon hours of painstaking research in order to complete. You'll no doubt have your eyes opened to why things like obesity, diabetes, cancer and other terrible diseases continue to run rampant through the human race.
Terms and Conditions - Legal Notice: The author has done his best to be as accurate as possible in the creation of this guide. Yet, there is no representation at any time that the contents of this guide are currently accurate, simply due to the rapid, ever-changing content on the internet. All attempts to verify information have been made for this work but the seller assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misconstrued/misinterpreted interpretation of the material within. This guide is to be used for entertainment purposes only. The author suggests that you use your own judgement and consider your individual circumstances before acting.
The intention of this book is not for strict use as legal, financial, or personal advice. Again, this guide is to be used for entertainment purposes only.
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