The Life of Riley: Blue Collar Blues
Irving Brecher
He's just a regular guy with a regular family and a regular job, but when he gets into trouble...oh brother, what a revoltin' development it is! Here comes William Bendix as radio's favorite working stiff, Chester A. Riley, with Paula Winslowe as his ever-patient wife, Peg, and John Brown as the funereal Digger O'Dell! Whether he's catching dogs or collecting rent, negotiating with neighbors or figuring out females, he gives it his Brooklyn best!
Episodes include: The Dog Catcher 05-07-44; Riley Tries to Marry Buckley to Miss Grimshaw, Waldo's Aunt 06-25-44; The BPLA Initiates a New Member 02-04-45; Feud with New Neighbor Gillis Over Junior's Goat 09-15-45; Good Neighbor Week 10-05-46; The School Formal Dance - Helene's Swap Show Dress for Babs 10-12-46; Riley Courts Peg at Summer Camp 06-07-47; Babs Almost Gets a Job in San Francisco 06-21-47; Riley, Football Cheerleader 09-17-48; Comic Books 11-05-48; Riley Gets a Job in Arabia 01-14-49; Riley, the Fireman 12-16-49; Riley Goes to a Drive-In Theater 04-21-50; Riley, the Hamburger King 04-28-50; Riley, the Rent Collector 03-30-51; Riley Getting Old 04-06-51.
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