Triathlon Bike Foundations
A System for Every Triathlete to Finish the Bike Feeling Strong and Ready to Nail the Run with Just Two Workouts a Week! (Traithlon Foundations)
"Triathlon Taren" Gesell
Triathlon Bike Foundations will help any new triathlete feel strong right up until the end of the bike, and be fresh for the run, with just two workouts a week!
Between choosing the right equipment, unfamiliar body positioning, and still needing to be able to run after riding in a race, many athletes feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start with the triathlon bike.
Triathlon Bike Foundations is written by a triathlete for triathletes. It will guide athletes in picking the right equipment on any budget and making sure their bikes are set up to be as comfortable as possible.
“Triathlon Taren” Gesell is a triathlete who helps hundreds of thousands of new triathletes feel confident at the start line and strong at the finish line through his wildly popular Triathlon Taren YouTube channel, Instagram account, and podcast. Based in Winnipeg, Canada, Triathlon Taren is also the head coach and founder of TeamTrainiac.com, an online training platform supporting a solid community of triathletes from all around the world, where he shares tips, tricks, hacks and time-tested knowledge.
©2019 Taren Gesell (P)2019 Taren Gesell