Audible会員プラン 無料体験
Roger Wayne
Lars Kolind turned Oticon, a struggling hearing aid company, into one of the most revolutionary businesses of our time by rethinking the concept of management. In this book, he rethinks business in the digital age together with Jacob Bøtter, a digital native thinker and strategist. Unboss is the good-bye to 20th century hierarchies, KPIs, job descriptions, titles, bonus schemes, marketing tools, and sales strategies. Unboss is a new mindset that turns conventional understanding of management and work on its head and transforms limited companies into unlimited movements. The new concepts of leadership, which are introduced in Unboss, will seem foreign to you, in particular if you are over 30 years of age.
Unboss [ n´b s] means the opposite of boss. Bosses work with power, unbosses with values. Bosses make decisions and issue orders; unbosses inspire people to think, decide, and pursue a common purpose. Unbosses focus more on effect than on profit, but nevertheless often end up earning more than conventional bosses. Unboss refers to a person (the unboss), a philosophy (unboss), and a process (to unboss). It turns the conventional understanding of management and work on its head and transforms limited companies into unlimited movements. It makes employees into partners, renders offices and fixed working hours superfluous, and turns customers into sales and service staff. @boetter and @kolind are out to unboss companies, associations, and public-sector institutions - and nothing will ever be the same again.
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