Verity Fairy Collection
Frankie Porter
Caroline Wakeman
In this captivating interpretation of classic fairy tales, children can rediscover the much-loved stories while exploring the Fairy-tale Kingdom - a place where all of the classic fairy tales coexist and intertwine.
Verity is a thrill-seeking fairy with a heart of gold and a habit of telling the truth at all times during her endless adventures with fellow princesses and fairy friends! These tales are a spellbinding behind-the-scenes look at these fairy tales with an extra sprinkling of fairy dust.
In the retellings of Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel, youngsters can follow Verity and her fairy friends and see how they help good prevail over evil, making sure everyone lives happily ever after. Verity means truth, and that is exactly what she does, she tells the truth, ALL the time, and it often gets her into a lot of trouble!
Proving to be the perfect fairy tale audiobook for your little ones, Verity Fairy gently encourages conversation surrounding the difference between right and wrong, positively influencing your child's moral intelligence and sense of justice, whilst sparking their curiosity and imagination.
Celebrate your child's curiosity and let their imagination run wild in these gripping interpretations. Gorgeous characters, simple text and a splash of humour makes the Verity Fairy Collection a captivating and ideal listen for 5- to 7-year-olds.