Voices of History Israel: Birth of a State
Voices of History Israel, Book 4
Never before released audio programs!
Throughout the 1970s, Dr. Samuel J. Citron took it upon himself to interview leading authorities on special topics in contemporary Jewish history, mostly relating to the State of Israel.
Over the course of 10 years of painstaking work, he completed the immense task of pulling together personal accounts of many of the more significant events of the last hundred years.
Though advised by world leaders to hold back from declaring a State, David Ben Gurion ignored their pleas, and Israel was born.
Collection from The Voices of History: Israel includes these recordings:
- The Parachutists: Rehaveam Amir
- Exodus 1947: A Passenger - Mordecai Friedland
- The Birth of the State: David Ben Gurion
- The War of Independence: Professor Yigael Yadin
- Underground Radio Link, New York-Tel Aviv: Herman Gross, Reuben Gross
- The Siege of Jerusalem: Dr. Dov Joseph
- Americans in the War of Liberation: Mahal Veterans
- Building the Air Force: Ezer Weizman