Wherever You Go...
Curtis Eckers
Curtis Eckers
Most seem to agree that no one survives life. We are all destined to kick the bucket, buy the farm, push up daises, bite the dust, give up the ghost, drop dead, have our number be up, or, as Old Pete might say, "peg out".
No one, so far, has been shown unequivocally to have avoided the last roundup. But nothing is perfect, except maybe that thought, and a guy named Jack got checked out early due to a run in with a hunk of New Hampshire granite. During the process of straightening things out he learns some things about the big "what-comes-next".
Most important is that souls are grouped by categories of what the single most thing important to them in life was, and that grouping lasts whatever time it takes for them to come up for their next shot at life. It's usually not more than a couple eternities.
So you end up with tyrants living... check that... hanging out with tyrants, sociopaths with sociopaths, saints with saints, politicians with politicians and so on.
So the important question in all that time is "How" a person lived, rather than "Why".
©2016 Curtis Eckers (P)2018 Curtis Eckers