Wicca: An Introductory Guide for the Aspiring Witch
Diane Lehman
Luna Sidana
Explore the beauty and wisdom of the Wiccan path.
Within this human experience, many of us sense that we are constituents of something much greater, of something infinite. Many of us have the notion of being an individual pixel of awareness within the cosmic image of existence. It is the Witch who knows that every pixel is of equal value, as each contributes to the composition and clarity of the whole picture.
It is the Witch who recognizes divine consciousness in all life, and treats all beings as such. And, it is the Witch who dedicates his or her life to divinity's evolution by way of honoring the self, seeking wisdom, revering nature, and by directing energy in accordance with Universal Law (practicing magick). Simply stated, Wicca is a modern religion of the Witch.
As a Neo-Pagan religion, Wicca adapts age-old beliefs to a modern world. It is a patchwork religion, in which one man stitched together several belief systems that had a common thread. Metaphysical understanding is what underlies all the elements composing Wicca. There are influences from Witchcraft, ceremonial magic, Freemasonry, Thelema, etc.
Wicca's permissive nature allows individuals to freely build on its foundation. It is accepting and accommodating to all who respect it. In the face of conventional dogmatic religious structures, Wicca is a release from the shackles of spiritual oppression. It provides a nurturing environment for a soul to relearn how to spread its wings.
During the course of this book you will learn about:
- The origins and history of Wicca
- The Gods and Goddesses
- The elements and their importance
- The Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law
- The Wheel of the Year, Esbats and Sabbats
- The nature of magick
- Choosing your Wiccan path
- Creating your very own altar setup
- How to perform some simple spells for beginners
And more!
©2017 Pine Peak Publishing AS (P)2017 Pine Peak Publishing AS