Wisdom of the East–Wisdom of the West
Nine Books That Touch the Soul
Chuck Allen
Joseph Lumpkin
The search for wisdom has been the pole-star of humanity for six thousand years. Religions have come and gone, philosophies have failed, but those surviving wells of wisdom go deep and yield sweet refreshment for the soul.
Wisdom of the East
Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Zen, and Eastern Christian writings have served as pathways to peace and enlightenment, but the path is not easily traveled. Wisdom is a harsh master, demanding authenticity and truth. No self-delusion or protection will be tolerated. The seeker must be spiritually eviscerated. Mind and soul must be laid bare. Toward this end, pilgrims have followed teachings within a handful of ancient books.
Now, the greatest books of Eastern wisdom are brought together for the sake of those seeking the path of enlightenment and liberation.
The Dhammapada–Buddhism’s path of dharma
The Gateless Gate–Sacred writings of Zen Buddhism
The Upanishads–The Vedas of Hinduism
The Gospel of Thomas–Eastern Christian Wisdom
The Tao Te Ching–The Taoist Holy Book
Wisdom of the West
From the Apocrypha, or hidden books of Christianity come wisdom not available in the 66 book canon. These books are not contained in the standard Protestant Bible, yet they exude wisdom and comfort.
The Prayer of Azariah
Prayer of Manasseh (Manassas)
Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach (also called Ecclesiasticus)
Wisdom of Solomon
These four texts are very special. Two are short but powerful prayers uttered while in the depths of immediate, and seemingly hopeless circumstances. Supported only by a firm faith and total trust in God, the individuals cried out to and waited for a divine response. We offer these to listeners who may feel entrapped in their circumstances. The other two texts are books of wisdom. One purports to be written by Solomon and the other by Sirach. Both books offer the listener words of wisdom, insight, and guidance for both our inner and external journey in life.
©2024 Joseph Lumpkin (P)2024 Joseph Lumpkin