This week, Busy and Caissie are talking to author Sarah Hoover, about her book “The Motherload: Episodes from the Brink of Motherhood” - topics include postpartum depression, unexpected amounts of bodily fluids and relationship ultimatums. Content Warning: This podcast contains discussion of sexual assault and trauma SPONSORS: http://Wildgrain.com/BUSY PROMO CODE: BUSY for $30 off your first box of bake from frozen artisanal breads, pastries and pastas. Plus free croissants! http://DoseDaily.co/BEST for 30% off your first month’s subscription to Dose for Your Liver, organic wellness shots formulated by scientists to support your liver function http://Hungryroot.com/BUSY CODE: Busy to get 40% off your first box of nutritious, highly customized and easy to make meal kits and groceries, PLUS a free item, for life! http://ThriveCausemetics.com/BEST for 20% off your first order of innovative cosmetics, including Busy’s fave Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara and Bigger Than Beauty skincare. Plus, your purchase benefits some great causes! http://ForiaWellness.com/BEST CODE: BEST for 20% off your 1st order of all-natural plant based intimacy products for mind-blowing sex