• 【アカデミー賞2025英語スピーチで理解する①】ガザ紛争と平和への道〜🎧Podcast Vol199: The Gaza Conflict and the Path to Peace through the Academy Awards 2025 Speech
    Hello everyone! Today, we’re diving into the 2025 Academy Awards, which just took place recently. There were so many inspiring speeches, but today we’ll be highlighting one of the most powerful acceptance speeches from the documentary film “No ...
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  • 【Self-love】脳の個性(ADHDなど)が輝くための7つの行動②〜科学的に実証された残り4~7つ目の方法〜Podcast Vol198【Self-Love】7 Science-backed Ways for Neurodivergent to Shine!
    Hello, everyone! Our main theme of this podcast is Shine who you are or shine your identity✨ In Japan and overseas, perspectives and systems differ, and I hope the right information reaches more people in Japan. In English, we use terms like Neurotyp...
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  • 【Self-love】脳の個性(ADHDなど)が輝くための7つの行動①〜科学的に実証された方法〜Podcast Vol197【Self-Love】7 Scientifically Proven Ways for ADHD to Shine!
    Hello, everyone! Our main theme of this podcast is Shine who you are or shine your identity✨ And February’s Self-Love Special 🩷 In Japan and overseas, perspectives and systems differ, and I hope the right information reaches more people in Japan. In ...
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  • 【Self-Love】英語力(学力)が最速でUPする5つのマインドセット〜Podcast Vol196: 5 Mindsets for Rapid English and Academic Performance Improvement
    Hello, everyone! February is all about Self-Love! Self-love plays a key role in improving both academic and English skills. During my study abroad, when I struggled to communicate, my self-esteem dropped. But I realized that believing in my worth and...
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  • 【Self-love】人生の土台を築く「セルフラブ」科学が証明する8つの実践法 〜Podcast Vol195: 6 Science-Backed Practices for Self-Love
    Welcome to today’s episode! Today we are going to explore the powerful concept “Self-Love” together! What is the definition of Self-love? According to Psy D. Khoshaba, she beautifully defines it: “Self-Love is a state of appre...
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  • 【Self-love】グラミー賞2025が映す時代のキーワード〜Alicia Keysのスピーチを紐解く〜Podcast Vol194: Unpacking Alicia Keys’ powerful Grammy speech 2025
    Every year, the Grammy Awards reflect the spirit of the times, and through the artists’ numerous powerful speeches, we can interpret what each artist is thinking and which ideas or communities they support. This is one of the true pleasures of ...
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  • 【Self-Love♡生き方と伝え方】グラミー賞2025から学ぶアイデンティティー Doechiiスピーチ全文〜Podcast Vol193: Self-Love & Expression: Lessons on Identity from the 2025 GRAMMY Awards
    Welcome, everyone! January was Vision Series! And February is SELF-LOVE MONTH! To achieve any vision, it’s essential to cherish yourself and build healthy communication. This time, I was truly inspired by the recently held 2025 Grammy Awards. S...
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  • 【心理学✖️目標】幸福感が高まる「フロー理論」とは?ー大学教授から学ぶ〜Podcast Vol 192:【Psychology✖️Goal】A professor talks about “Flow Theory”
    Hello everyone, and welcome! Today, we again welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata, an expert in sports psychology, to explore the “flow state”—a mental state that enhances happiness and performance. So, how can we create flow? What role do clear...
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