The second mini-episode will be on the great Albert Einstein, the German-born theoretical physicist, amateur violinist, the brain behind the theory of general relativity, the equation E = MC^2, and just all around eccentric dude.
When I first picked up his biography I didn't know what to expect, but what I found was a passionate, smart, sometimes incredibly emotional, rebellious mind. I found someone who wasn't afraid to break boundaries and go into places unknown, someone who loved truth and was willing to let go of old ideas if it meant finding the truth. Einstein was also insanely curious and childlike in his awe of the universe. For me, this really motivates me to try and keep that childlike view of the world and look at it every day with new eyes.
I hope you guys and girls enjoy this week's episode on the great Albert Einstein.
Ladies and Gentlemen, greatness awaits. See you on the other side. And until then... Do Impossible Things.