The Scripture passages I'm talking about and some of the notes from my journal right here in the show notes. You can also find them at mommarich.com under the podcast link.
Whatever it is you're in pursuit of this year, I hope it's worthy of your days. Time is the most expensive luxury we are given, and it's non-refundable. Now that's what little I know.
Today's Scripture is Genesis 1-2, Psalm 1, and Matthew 1-2.
God created everything. All that He created, He called good. God worked for six days, creating everything we experience as humans. Rest is so important that God set aside an ENTIRE day for it, and called that day HOLY. God made man from the dust of the ground and then created woman from the rib of the man. This was a compassionate act of God so that the man would not live alone. God created woman with intention. He made her on purpose. Man and woman were made in the image of God. The man was given the honor and responsibility from God to name everything (animals and people) that God had created.
Then, God created the most perfect paradise for His people to live. God put Adam (man) in the garden to work it and keep it. He gave Adam permission to eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Man and women were both naked and not ashamed.
Psalm 1: This Psalm describes the differences between the righteous and the wicked. The righteous man will be like a tree planted by the water; green, full, strong. He will produce fruit when it's time, he won't wither (grow weak and die before his time), and in all ways - in all he does - he will prosper. God knows and plans the way for the righteous to live and live eternally. The wicked will perish.
Matthew 1-2: The book of Matthew begins with a genealogy recap so we can see that Jesus came directly from the lineage that was prophesied many times in the Old Testament. There were 14 + 14 + 14 generations from Abram to Jesus. That's 72 generations! Then we move into the coming of Christ and how it was revealed to Joseph in a dream from the angel of the LORD. We also see details in where to go, especially when Herod is about to trick the wisemen into finding Jesus for him. As if that weren't enough, Herod gets mad and orders ALL males under the age of 2 to be killed. Of course, God made a way and Joseph paid attention to his dreams! But once God told Joseph to go back to Israel, Joseph didn't go directly back. He was worried about Herod's son, Archelaus; Joseph thought Archelaus might try to kill Jesus, so Joseph went to Nazareth instead. You bet God used that to be part of the plan because it fulfilled the prophecy that said Jesus would be called a Nazarene.
Here's what little I know...
God has a divine plan for ALL of His creation. God knows how it's all going to work out and He will use every little thing we do for His glory. His plan is perfect and we can't spoilt it. So we should (can) trust Him a little more.
Have a little faith... those are my pearls for today.
Don't forget to check out the show notes at mommarich.com under the Pearls Podcast link. If you find anything of value on today's podcast, I hope you'll share it with someone. You could also leave a review where you get your podcasts or just tell someone you heard me out there on the air... that'd be a kick! Thanks a bunch for all of your support, I sure do appreciate you!
🤍Momma Rich🤍