Some people talk with their hands. Our hands are a major way we express ourselves. And expression is a critical part of professional wrestling, just as much as the wrestling itself. So which wrestlers’ taunts and gestures made Nate and Eric’s Mount Rushmores? What evoked emotion—happiness and hatred alike? What symbolized excellence, and what symbolized rebellion? And what’s just a thumb? Listen up and find out!
Ric Flair/Jay Lethal Woo-Off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct7IWkiiWgA&pp=ygUSd29vIG9mZiBqYXkgbGV0aGFs
Hulk Hogan's Wind-Up Ear Cup: https://youtu.be/aE08Am4_bqc?si=QapSnoDW-zlz2WJ2&t=525
SNL "Suck It Trebek": https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcsnl/video/7273192840279248158?lang=en
Let's Get Ready to Suck It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ordVBW1JL4Q&pp=ygUjdHJpcGxlIGggbGV0J3MgZ2V0IHJlYWR5IHRvIHN1Y2sgaXQ%3D
Cougar Jay's hind-end cougar print: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6rq_azufF0&pp=ygUVZ3JlYXQgbXV0YSBjb3VnYXIgamF5
Great Muta mists the Giant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNrqWw6VPRs&pp=ygUWZ3JlYXQgbXV0YSBtaXN0cyBnaWFudA%3D%3D