This week, I'm proud to introduce Justyna, a Polish polyglot and introvert who shares her experiences on how English shaped her into the curious woman she is today.
Does she feel herself in all the languages she speaks? Has she felt 'the click'? Justyna invites us into her world and shares her definition of creativity with us... Don't miss it!
You can reach out to Justyna if you're an introvert looking to learn English! https://www.instagram.com/linguistic.adventurer.
You can also listen to her podcast Curious Introverts' Journeys into English and Beyond on Youtube and Spotify!
I apologise for the quality of some of my audio in this recording, which is slightly saturated. This is all part of the learning process!
Janelle is the proud owner of English Creative, helping Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs and creators impact in the world’s universal language. She offers 1:1 sessions as an English Coach as well as translations, proofreading, workshops and courses.
Visit her website www.english-creative.com/podcast for upcoming episodes and bonus content.
Follow her on Instagram @english_creative_hub.