Description: Wiki Dave and James-005 dive into more Tournament news and a Fireteam discovery that Dave found. James goes through his tier list for the pickable weapons. Target Date: 11am 13/02/2025 (your time)Edit - Wiki DaveLinksThe Library Halo Lorecast -https://youtu.be/Y98kVRW7KDE?si=iWvDD-JwN29AdzWo&t=3253UK Tournament Pack -https://www.manticgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Organised-Play-Pack-2.pdfPlease like and subscribe! and apparently writing a written review helps with the almighty algorithm.Listen to us -https://open.spotify.c.../Contact usEmail - manticuniversepodcast@gmail.comPatreon - / manticuniversepodcast Tiktok - / manticuniversepodcast Facebook Group - / 1427435774358022... Discord server: / discord Cool discounts for our listenersMantic Webstore discount: UNIVERSE15 and FASTMUP15 ; one per customer, so fill your basket!https://www.gamemat.eu/:%E2%80%8B 11% MUP11https://baronofdice.com/:%E2%80%8B ManticUniverse for 5% off on the webstorehttps://corvusgamester.../ : MUPodcast15 for 15% off your order Helpful LinksKings of War Wiki -https://kingsofwarwiki.../Warpath Wiki -https://warpath-univer.../Mantic Wiki -https://manticgameswik.../https://www.kowforum.c.../ by our friend and editor Fred!https://www.beastsofwa.../https://darkfantasticm.../https://geekgamingeu.c.../https://www.manticgame.../ / manticgames... https://companion.mant.../ and https://vault.manticga.../https://www.wingedhuss.../ for all your lore readingshttps://cults3d.com/en...%E2%80%8B / @paletteofwar by our friend ScottOur Theme Song is called "Overdrive" from bits Chris strung together in Garage Band.