In this heartfelt episode of Without Fear of Her Future, co-hosts Tresa Todd and Melissa Baker reflect on the power of choosing a “Word of the Year”. Tresa shares how words like "Brave" and "Favor" propelled her to take bold steps and witness incredible growth in her life and business, while Melissa highlights how words like "Increase" and "Miracles" deepened her spiritual journey. Together, they provide practical tips for selecting your own word of the year and integrating it into your daily routine. Tune in to discover how one word can influence and motivate your 2025!
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Real Estate Investing, Financial Freedom, Word of The Year, Vision, Vision Board, 2025, Rental Properties, Scaling Your Portfolio, Entrepreneurship, Passive Income Strategies, Building Wealth, Inspirational Journeys, Quitting 9-5, Real Estate Education, Investment Strategies, Success Stories, Empowering Entrepreneurs, Fun in Real Estate