An overview of all the madness we will talk about! Join me each Thursday for discussions about wading through the waters of post-religious life. The questions which come up are so, so many; the problems are multifarious - how should I live? What to do next, what about new faith and beliefs? Does life have any meaning?
More than that too. After this experience (or even one similar to it; PTSD after war, or being trapped in an abusive situation) - questions of life and death come up. In Jehovah's Witnesses, the overwhelming focus is on 'making it to the Paradise', and eternal life there. So now, if you stop believing in that, and realize life is actually short (and precious) - how to live with great fullness; not paranoia.
The questions there around death, dying, and meaning loom large and are not easy to dismiss, short of "jumping back into" another faith-system.
The first so many episodes will focus on some core texts in and around the Jehovah's Witnesses, but thereafter we will work our way into these and other big issues with a view to not just commiserating - but strategies.
I talk about my background here a little, and an overview of what's to come. Thanks for listening.