Shalom, everybody. Are you READY to GET READY for what is arguably the most important Jewish (holi)day in the Jewish calendar? It's 10 days from now...that's right...and it's the Jewish holiday you might never have even heard of (I didn't as a kid), or perhaps only have some vague idea about....But it's the holiday that really defines who we are as a Jewish people. We have 10 days to get ready for SHAVUOS: the holiday when we re-experience receiving the Torah at Mt Sinai, the day when we collectively as a nation heard Hashem utter the 10 Commandments. Pesach is the festival of our national LIBERATION, but SHAVUOS--the true culmination of the Exodus--is the holiday of REVELATION. So here'smy idea: let's get ready TOGETHER for this incredible holiday! Stay tuned for some more podcast episodes from me, Rabbi E, that I hope can help inspire us TOGETHER to prepare for this unbelievable (and unsung) Jewish festival.