
  • Episode 990: Questions from the Epistle to Titus

    During today’s exploration of Paul's letter to Titus, in a Q&A exchange between a pastor and audience members, we answer several questions that help clarify the teachings and context of the epistle. We explain Paul's reference to the Cretans being “liars” as a cultural observation of their reputation for dishonesty, emphasizing that the apostle wanted Titus to confront false teachings and encourage the Cretan believers to live truthful, godly lives. We also address the significance of sound doctrine, noting its role in ensuring the church’s spiritual health and protecting it from false teachings, which were rampant in places like Crete.

    Additionally, we delve into Paul's teaching on purity, explaining that it is an inward condition of the heart shaped by faith in Christ rather than merely external observances or man-made rules. We also discuss the practical applications of Paul's instructions for believers to be “zealous for good works,” stressing that these works are a natural result of a transformed life in Christ and are essential for witnessing to others. We provide clarity on Paul’s call to avoid foolish controversies, highlighting the need for unity and focus on what truly matters in the Christian faith.

    The Q&A session concludes with a thoughtful discussion on how modern believers can apply Paul's teachings about leadership and godly conduct to their lives, regardless of their position in the church. We emphasize that leadership in the Christian context involves every believer, encouraging all to exhibit godly character, live in obedience to God's Word, and influence others positively by their example.

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  • Episode 989: A Call to Godly Living

    Today’s episode reflects on Titus 3:1-8, in which Paul instructs Titus to teach believers in Crete to live in a way that honors God both in the church and in society. Paul emphasizes submission to authority, kindness, and a spirit of gentleness, which contrast with the rebellious culture of the time. He reminds believers that they were once disobedient and lost but were saved by God's mercy through the cleansing and renewing work of the Holy Spirit.

    Paul underscores that salvation is not achieved by human effort but is a gift from God, made possible through Jesus Christ. Believers are justified by grace and are called to become heirs of eternal life, motivated by this hope to live lives marked by good deeds. The passage encourages Christians to live in humility, reflecting the love and grace of God to the world around them.

    Ultimately, this passage calls believers to embrace the transformative power of God's grace, which compels us to good works and godly conduct. It is a reminder that our lives should be a testament to the mercy we have received, reflecting the character of Christ in our interactions with others and in our submission to the will of God.

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  • Episode 988: The Blessed Hope

    A young boy named Daniel eagerly waited every day for his father’s return from work, listening intently to his stories about the sea and dreaming of the day when he could join him on an adventure. When his father left on a longer journey, promising to return in a few weeks, Daniel watched the road every day, filled with hope and trust in his father’s promise. Despite the passing days and changing weather, his anticipation did not waver, and he prepared himself daily for his father's return, confident that the promised day would come.

    Daniel’s confident expectation serves as an illustration of the “blessed hope” that believers have in the return of Jesus Christ. Just as Daniel trusted his father’s word and eagerly prepared for his arrival, believers are called to live with a similar sense of anticipation for Christ's return. This hope is not wishful thinking but a firm assurance rooted in the promises of God, encouraging believers to live godly lives with a sense of urgency and purpose.

    The early church, including the apostles, lived with the expectation that Jesus could return at any moment, motivating them to remain vigilant and committed to holiness. This same “blessed hope” should inspire modern believers to live in readiness, actively sharing the gospel and aligning their lives with Christ's teachings. As we await His return, this hope serves as an anchor for our souls, offering comfort and a compelling reason to pursue a life that honors God.

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  • Episode 987: The Faithful Journey of Titus – 10 Timeless Lessons

    Today’s episode draws on ten important lessons from the life of Titus, a faithful companion of Paul who played a crucial role in the early Christian church. Titus exemplified faithfulness in ministry, courage in facing challenges, and a commitment to sound doctrine, serving as a model for believers today. His life encourages us to be dedicated to our callings, to embrace diversity within the body of Christ, and to navigate conflicts with wisdom and grace.

    Through his example, we learn the importance of maintaining personal integrity, standing firm in our faith, and being agents of reconciliation within our communities. Titus’ story shows that true ministry requires dedication, humility, and a willingness to serve wherever God calls us. His unwavering perseverance in faith, even after Paul’s death, reminds us of the importance of staying steadfast and faithful, regardless of the trials and uncertainties we may face.

    Ultimately, the lessons from Titus' life provide modern believers with practical guidance for living a godly life that honors God and serves others. Whether through faithful ministry, embracing diversity, standing firm in truth, or encouraging those around us, Titus' example inspires us to live with integrity, courage, and a deep commitment to the Gospel.

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  • Episode 986: My True Child in a Common Faith

    The life of Titus, as presented in Paul’s epistle, offers a profound example of faithfulness, courage, and dedication in the early Christian church. A Gentile convert and trusted co-worker of the Apostle Paul, Titus played a crucial role in establishing church leadership, addressing false teachings, and promoting sound doctrine in challenging environments like Crete and Corinth. Despite the difficult circumstances, he remained steadfast in his commitment to the Gospel, demonstrating a deep love for God’s people and a willingness to go wherever he was needed.

    Titus's story, like those of Timothy, Barnabas, Silas, and Epaphroditus, reminds modern believers of the importance of perseverance and courage in ministry. His life exemplifies the need to maintain personal integrity, embrace diversity within the church, and handle conflicts with wisdom. Titus shows us the importance of being grounded in sound doctrine, responding with generosity and service, and standing firm in our faith, even when faced with cultural challenges or opposition.

    Ultimately, the example of Titus challenges each of us to consider our own readiness to serve God in whatever capacity He calls us. It encourages us to live lives that demonstrate the power of the Gospel in action, faithfully fulfilling our roles in the body of Christ, and working to build up His church with humility and love. Titus’s life serves as a call to all believers to remain faithful, dedicated, and steadfast, knowing that God uses those who are willing to serve Him with a sincere heart.

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  • Episode 985: Lessons from the Margins

    The book of 2 Timothy contains several lesser-known stories that provide a glimpse into the personal lives and relationships within the early Christian community. For example, Paul speaks of Phygelus and Hermogenes, who abandoned him during his imprisonment, highlighting the loneliness and betrayal he faced. In contrast, he praises Onesiphorus, a faithful friend who risked his own safety to comfort Paul in prison, demonstrating the power of loyalty and courage in times of hardship.

    Paul also mentions other figures, such as Alexander the coppersmith, who actively opposed his ministry, and Trophimus, who was left sick in Miletus, illustrating the real-life challenges and human frailty experienced by early Christians. The references to personal items like Paul’s cloak, books, and parchments further reveal the Apostle’s humanity and commitment to learning and preparation even in his final days. Additionally, the greetings from lesser-known believers like Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia reflect the broad network of support that sustained Paul and the early church.

    These small but significant mentions remind us that the early Christian movement was not only shaped by prominent leaders like Paul but also by countless others who made sacrifices, faced opposition, and supported each other in faith. Their stories encourage us to remain steadfast in our own walk with Christ, knowing that each act of faithfulness, no matter how small, contributes to the greater work of God’s kingdom.

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  • Episode 984: Study to Show Yourself Approved

    In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul urges Timothy to be diligent in studying and correctly handling God’s Word, emphasizing the importance of being an "approved worker" who rightly divides the truth. This instruction is a call for believers to approach the Scriptures with dedication, seeking God's approval through careful study, reflection, and application. It highlights the need to safeguard the integrity of Scripture, especially in the face of false teachings and misunderstandings that can lead people away from the truth.

    Paul further explains in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that all Scripture is "God-breathed" and valuable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. This connection between the two passages underscores that handling God’s Word properly is essential for equipping believers for every good work. Scripture is not just a text to be studied; it is the living Word that shapes our beliefs, actions, and spiritual growth, calling us to live lives aligned with God's purposes.

    Together, these passages remind us that engaging with God’s Word requires more than just reading; it involves a commitment to understanding, applying, and being transformed by its truths. As we seek to be faithful disciples, let us immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, allowing them to guide, correct, and equip us for the good works God has prepared for us, becoming confident and unashamed in our service to Him.

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  • Episode 983: A Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-Control

    In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul reminds Timothy that God has given believers a spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. This spirit, provided by the Holy Spirit, enables Christians to face challenges with courage, share the Gospel boldly, and fulfill their calling in Christ. Recognizing this divine source of strength reassures us that we are never alone; God's presence guides and sustains us through all circumstances.

    Paul contrasts this spirit of power and love with a spirit of fear, which can hinder believers from fulfilling God's purposes. The "spirit of love" compels us to act with self-sacrifice, compassion, and kindness toward others, reflecting Christ’s character. Balanced by self-control, believers can align their thoughts, emotions, and actions with God's will, resisting temptation and maintaining holiness.

    Ultimately, the spirit of a sound mind, or self-discipline, is a result of the Holy Spirit's work within us, guiding us to live in ways that honor God. By surrendering to the Holy Spirit, we can live courageously, love deeply, and remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that God has equipped us with everything needed to live a godly life.

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