The Grégory case, one of France’s most perplexing unsolved criminal mysteries, revolves around the 1984 disappearance and murder of four-year-old Grégory Villemin. After receiving threatening calls for years, Grégory’s body was found in the Vologne River, and his parents, Christine and Jean-Marie, became suspects in a complex web of family drama. The case included false testimonies, mysterious anonymous letters, and mounting suspicion within the Villemin family. Despite arrests, including that of Bernard Laroche and others, the case remained unsolved for decades, and new DNA evidence in 2014 reignited the investigation. Theories of revenge, jealousy, and family resentment permeated the investigation, but no conclusive evidence ever pointed to the murderer, leaving Grégory’s tragic death an enduring scar in French history.
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