Sakura Tazuyama, a 21-year-old woman from Fukushima, disappeared mysteriously on February 19, 1994, just days before her wedding. Her family had been receiving strange phone calls and graffiti on her car, and after Sakura's disappearance, more eerie calls were made, one of which was recorded. The police found her car, but there were no signs of a struggle, and the car had been marked with graffiti before her disappearance. Despite investigating potential suspects, including Sakura’s fiancé, Matsuda, and his ex-girlfriend, Emi Nakashima, no conclusive evidence was found. The case remained unsolved, and public attention faded, though the mystery still haunts her family, who believe the phone calls were made by Sakura herself, possibly indicating a reason for her disappearance. Thirty years later, her family still holds out hope that she will return.
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