UGH! The healthcare system is broken when it comes to the flow of information for dementia (and so many other) patients! Today I'm sharing a few tips that my sister and I have used when our mother has been in the hospital since her FTD diagnosis. There has to be a better way! I'd love to hear from you at mel@themelcogar.com if you have experiences or thoughts that could help!
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com. I would love to hear from you!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!
Mel ____________________
Time is such a valuable commodity and in limited supply as a caregiver. Currently, I'm really taking control of my time in both my work and home life by working with a coach that is helping me to create systems for my life and business and regain control of my time! Check it out at the link below. https://melcogar--chelsijo.thrivecart.com/syl/ Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast.