I have spoken a lot about habits and healthy routines on this podcast in previous episodes, but this week I wanted to change the focus to what happens when you fall out of touch with those routines and start to feel overwhelmed.
It's so important to give yourself time to rest and recharge – it's only by pausing you can truly reset and move forward stronger.
As the renowned street artist Banksy once said: "Learn to rest, not to quit."
Actions / take aways
- Find ways to check in with yourself to understand how you're feeling.
- If you feel you're overwhelmed or struggling, don't be afraid to pause and rest.
- Sometimes a reset is what you need – take the time you need to get back on track.
- You might not need a holiday – sometimes just a day to yourself can help.
- If you've been stuck in the same surroundings, try getting into a different environment – a coffee shop works for me.
Thanks, and see you next time!
P.S. I'm on Twitter https://twitter.com/jamesjgill
Music: Jakarta by Bonsaye
Podcast hosting: Transistor