Language can be a powerful—and consequential—tool. The words we use to shape our messages impact people deeply. They can create positive messages—or be demeaning. In most instances, that harm was unintended, but it might be too late after the words are shared. In this Episode of CONVERSATIONS with Randi Shubin Dresner, our host dives deep into the way we address people and talks openly about her own experiences with how her mother, who was challenged by major health issues, related to her often paralyzed limbs. She suggests that rather than using “THE” phrases such as “we are helping the hungry”, we might consider rephrasing the sentence to something like, “we are helping PEOPLE WHO ARE hungry”. By definition, People-First Terminology highlights the individuality, equality, and dignity of people. It recognizes the common humanity of all and builds on it by acknowledging that we are people first and foremost. By using our words to reflect this, it serves as a foundation for our act