Justine Doiron, also known as @Justine_Snacks, is a recipe developer, cook and content creator. With 1.6 million followers on Tiktok and 245k followers on Instagram, Justine’s editing style and tasteful, healthy recipes are beautiful and addicting to watch.
Justine took the leap from working in the entertainment industry to running her food account full-time. In this episode of Diving In, we talk about self-imposed pressures of going freelance, the everchanging algorithm, the importance of community, and share tips on how to grow a social media account quickly.
We also discuss:
Paleo Valley
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Check Out Justine:
Follow Justine at @Justine_Snacks across platforms
Check Out Leslie and Marissa: - Diving In Instagram: @divinginpod
- Diving In Website: Diving In - A Podcast - Leslie’s Instagram: @lesliemosier - Marissa’s Instagram: @marissamullen - That Cheese Plate: @thatcheeseplate - Doug The Pug: @itsdougthepug
Justine took the leap from working in the entertainment industry to running her food account full-time. In this episode of Diving In, we talk about self-imposed pressures of going freelance, the everchanging algorithm, the importance of community, and share tips on how to grow a social media account quickly.
We also discuss:
- The realities of recipe and food-related content creation
- Working through disordered eating themes
- Advice on how to start your own food account
Paleo Valley
For 15% off you first order, go to:
Check Out Justine:
Follow Justine at @Justine_Snacks across platforms
Check Out Leslie and Marissa: - Diving In Instagram: @divinginpod
- Diving In Website: Diving In - A Podcast - Leslie’s Instagram: @lesliemosier - Marissa’s Instagram: @marissamullen - That Cheese Plate: @thatcheeseplate - Doug The Pug: @itsdougthepug