Today, I’m discussing a topic we hear a lot about these days- masculine and feminine energy. I will explain what they are and how they shape our relationships, healing, and sense of self, especially after divorce. If you’ve ever felt disconnected from your true nature, doubted your worth, or wondered if your past relationship changed you in ways you don’t recognize, this episode is for you. I will break down what masculine and feminine energies really are, how God has divinely designed them to work together, and how we can reclaim our true nature—even after betrayal, heartbreak, and divorce. • Join me for a FREE WEBINAR: The Power of Love- Turning Pain into Purpose This Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2025, at noon MTN / 2 pm EST. Let this Valentine’s Day be where healing begins. REGISTER HERE: https://calendly.com/jennzingmark/thepoweroflove. • Make sure you are part of the Find the Joy With Jenn Fam! Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/findthejoywithjenn/ • Join my FREE Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/findthejoywithjenn • Join my exclusive Life Coaching and Divorce Mentoring Program Faith Filled Divorce HERE: httpshttps:https://www.findthejoywithjenn.com/program-details Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I’m honored and excited to be on this journey to healing and personal growth with you. If you enjoyed the podcast, I’d love to ask you to take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review on your podcast app; that way, we can help even more men and women find joy in their divorce journeys. You can win a $100 AMAZON GIFT when you do! Just send a screenshot of your review to jenn@jennzingmark.com. Make sure you put "Podcast Review" in the subject line. XO- Jenn