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I am thankful to be in conversation with Helen Gibson founder of Surrogacy Concern. There are currently plans afoot to ‘liberalise’ UK Surrogacy laws. But what does this mean? On the one hand we have the familiar talk of ‘the rights’ of individual ‘to have a baby’ and on the other we have questions around ethics related to the exploitation of women, and harms to babies. We can see that the market for surrogacy is another growth industry predicted to be worth near 200 billion dollars by 2030. But at what cost?
Helen brings much knowledge to this subject and will widen your perspective to bigger picture issues related to the trading of babies.
For more info on Helen's work:
Web: https://surrogacyconcern.uk/
You can write a letter to your MP: https://surrogacyconcern.uk/take-action-send-a-letter-to-your-mp-on-surrogacy-and-law-commission-proposals/
X (formerly twitter): @SurrogConcern
Jennifer Lahl film 'Eggsploitation': Eggsploitation: https://cbc-network.org/eggsploitation/
Produced by: @CBCnetwork
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