READY TO GET REAL? THIS EPISODE IS A REAL AND RAW EPISODE OF WHY I TOOK A BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA & WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT GROWING MY BUSINESS OFF OF IT! This episode is for the female entrepreneur and professional who has spent time growing their business primarily on social media, but is ready to get off the posting hamster wheel and start creating content that they own, no matter what happens to their feed! It is also for the girl who is ready to step away from the comparison trap, identity crisis, and overstimulation that spending all the time on social media can bring!!! So if you’re ready to learn ways that you can grow your biz off of social and create content from a place of authenticity & complete ownership, this one is for you, boo!
PS - make sure to check out the links below for all I reference in the show notes!
Shine on!
I am excited to connect with you!
Website: https://www.katieleesmith.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/therealkatiesmith/
EPISODE SPONSOR: Want to get your hands on FAT BLASTER IN A BOTTLE? Literally 1 tablespoons a day of this TRIM can give you all the benefits of a liquid collagen, PLUS it inhibits fat storage, shrinks fat cells, and helps build lean muscle! Get Summer Ready & Grab a hold of your $10 off code off of your first order from our show sponsor: https://modere.co/3vqlJEx
PRIVATE COACHING! Wanna do a coaching session with me?! From power-hour calls to monthly and annual packages, there's an option for you: https://www.katieleesmith.com/work-with-me
You are ready to start building your brand and wanting to grow your business with ease. But you’re not sure where to start...Use this FREE worksheet as a starting point to give you clarity around those things that make YOU unique to grow your brand and business with confidence!
Curious about becoming an AirBNB BOO BOSS? Go ahead and drop your name here to get on my waitlist for something amazing that is coming to help you confidently build a passive income stream and legacy building wealth through being an Airbnb Superhost! Fill out this form and reference “Airbnb Superhost” in the comments!
Link to EP 5 with Ashley Samadani: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brand-you-boo-podcast-personal-branding-mindset-transformation/id1553861907?i=1000511178287&fbclid=IwAR3d8TIcBVoYp_kr2i81oTzGnLfAB1t_vk3wnNeE8J0Yq2cpstbgIN8m67c