Today we’ll be talking about Goal 2 updates to our Strategic Plan. This goal centers on recruitment and enrollment.
Last Fall, we began the process of refreshing Goal 2 strategies and metrics. Statewide listening sessions were conducted and a cross-functional team of campus and systems employees worked together to create an updated plan.
In July, campuses were given their new Goal 2 metrics. These new goals were based on the recruitable population of each campus’ service area and have been broken down to the county level. Recruitable population is defined as high school students in grades 10-12 and population ages 18-64 with a high school diploma or some college, but no degree.
A primary intention of the Goal 2 refresh was to allow more campus autonomy, rather than Systems Office enrollment requirements by student category. This has allowed campuses to create the most impactful strategy for your service area.
Thanks to this week’s guests:
- Sue Ellspermann, President, Ivy Tech Community College
- Chris Lowery, Senior Vice President for Workforce Alignment, Systems Office
- Jo Nahod-Carlin, Vice President for Recruitment & Enrollment Management, Systems Office
- Stacy Townsley, Vice President for Adult Strategy and Statewide Partnerships, Systems Office
- Rebecca Rahschulte, Vice President for K-14 Initiatives and Statewide Partnerships, Systems Office
Everyone inside the Ivy Tech faculty and staff community has access to the enrollment dashboard. You can access it through IvyAnalytics/Tableau at https://us-east-1.online.tableau.com/#/site/ivytechcommunitycollege/views/Goal2EnrollmentOpportunitiesv2DRAFT/EnrollmentOpportunities. If you have any trouble accessing that, please submit a Help Ticket through MyIvy.
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