Confederate Monuments: Are they heritage, history or hate? We get guidance from Dr. Nichole Phillips, Dr. William Cossen and Sara Patenaude. #jimcrow #confederate
Special Thanks to:
- Nichole Phillips, PhD - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Religion & Culture at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University
- William Cossen, PhD- Public Historian, Book Review Editor for the Society of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era’s online book review publication - Twitter: @WilliamCossen
- Sara Patenaude - Co-Founder Hate Free Decatur - Twitter: @sdpatenaude
- Patricia Robinson - Voice Over Expert
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The John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture at Duke University and their Behind the Veil Oral History Project. - https://repository.duke.edu/dc/behindtheveil