Hi Duende Duders! Happy start to spooky season! For Episode 2 I discuss all things duende with my most hilarious genius friend from theatre school in Chicago - fearless visionary director and experimenter/embracer of the taboo/curator of incredible design teams, chef of duende delicious culinary art, and Pat Benatar's most devoted fan - Chris Garcia Peak! We drink our blood duende drinks and delve into how Chris experiences duende like a possession (!), how he's harnessed duende for his brilliant, boundary-pushing arts company Cock and Bull, the duende of cooking and eating Mexican cuisine, which movie artist duos have FULL DUENDE, and his controversial opinion on which rock icon's version of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" has the most duende. Check it out! Follow @cpeakgarcia, and @cockandbul on Instagram :)
Have a great duend-ay! :)
Follow @duendediscussions on IG for episode updates and fun, interactive duende discussing!