$5 Reason Together T-shirts
Suicide of the West by Jonah Goldberg.
Differentiation Through Personality Types: A Framework for Instruction, Assessment, and Classroom Management by Jane A.G. Kise & Beth Russell, pp. 54-60, 72-90
Thomas Strouse quote on the inner circle - "The Author of Scripture indwells the believer and illuminates his understanding of Bible. David said to Jehovah, ‘Thou hast taught me’ (Psalm 119:102).” Commenting on Psalm 25:14, the present author states, “Those that enter the Lord's school of discipleship through humility and the fear of the Lord enjoy 'the secret (sod) of the Lord'.. The Lord has an inner circle open to all who enter under His conditions, and He makes known His covenant will to them.” Thomas M. Strouse, An Exegesis of Psalms 1-41 (Newington, CT: Emmanuel Baptist Theological Press), p. 210.
Cross-reference sermon.
Scripture Verses Cited:
2 Peter 1:3; 1 Corinthians 13:2; Romans 11:33; Deuteronomy 29:29
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